You know the saying you don't know what you've got til it's gone. Well that is exactly what happened yesterday at my house. We went back in time to the days where we did not have WiFi.
A lot has changed in the last 20 years on the World Wide Web. Before Facebook, Google, and WiFi we had these sites to kill time with. Here's the web of 1998!
No one likes wasting their time watching a website take forever to load, and the bane of all video streaming is buffering -- but these five tips will help you avoid those hassles and make your ever-increasing dependence on the internet a lot easier.
I saw this online today, and wow all I could think is, what a great idea this is! A fantastic way to get your kiddos motivated to get them chores done! How do you get your children to do their chores? Read on for the answer :)
In the wake of the economic downturn, some hotels have cut corners to save money — and their customers have noticed. According to a new survey, satisfaction with hotel services is now at a six-year low.
Move over, Jackson Pollock. Artist Timo Arnall eschews the oil paints for light by creating visualizations of WiFi signals. Says Arnall on Vimeo:
This project explores the invisible terrain of WiFi networks in urban spaces by light painting signal strength in long-exposure photographs.
A four-metre long measuring rod with 80 points of light reveals cross-sections through WiFi networks using a phot