Taylor Kitsch has been waiting for his star moment for a while now. The hottie had roles in ‘X-Men,’ ‘Snakes on a Plane,’ ‘Friday Night Lights’ and ‘The Covenant,’ in which he played that sexy guy with great abs and longish hair. Now, Kitsch fans will get to see him as the leading man in Disney’s adaptation of the comic book ‘John Carter.’

If the movie is anything like the trailer, which was released Wednesday on ‘Good Morning America,’ we can expect Kitsch to parade around the majority of the time in a loin cloth and some leather straps, all barely covering his pectorals.

A while back, he tried to make us all think that he’s more than just a shirtless hunk by telling AsiaOne News,

As much as you guys feel I take my shirt off all the time, I can tell you if I did it as much as I’m asked, I’d be shirtless for more than half the ['Friday Night Lights'] season… I still feel that’s not what I’m about and I’ve proven that over and over.

We all know better.

Taylor Kitsch in 'John Carter' movie
Taylor Kitsch in 'The Covenant'
Taylor Kitsch on Men's Health cover

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