Texas Ranks In Top 5 For Working Hard For A Dollar In The U.S.
With headlines constantly screaming about unemployment rates, the state of the economy, and the struggle many are facing; WalletHub decided to see what states are the hardest working.
They looked at 10 different "indicators" to conduct their study. They include workweek hours, how much vacation time goes unused, those who have multiple jobs, amount of leisure time, and several others.

According to their research, Texas comes in at number 4 in the nation when it comes to just how hard-working we are. None of our neighbor-states ranked in the top 5 with us.
Their study shows that we rank 4th for average workweek hours. That means we work a lot more than a majority of the rest of the nation.
We rank 5th when it comes to leisure time spent per day, 14th for commute time, and 26th for employment rate.
North Dakota came in 1st. Not sure what it is they do up in North Dakota, but it has them putting the hours in.
Nebraska followed us to round out the top 5. Oklahoma came in 6th.
What stopped us from climbing higher in the ranking was the "indirect work factors." Those include things like working multiple jobs, not using all of your vacation time, and number of volunteer hours per household.
For me, the numbers make sense.
I don't remember the last time I actually had a real "vacation." I took one and half days for my wedding. I took a week for the birth of my son.
I put in, on average, around six solid days of work a week. Majority of the time I wind up doing something work related seven days a week.
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