If you have someone on your Christmas list that is a big Star Wars fan, then you will definitely want to check out the very cool interactive 'The Making of Star Wars' Enhanced for the Kindle Fire.

I bought the second installment, 'The Making of The Empire Strikes Back' and haven't been able to put it down.

Here are a couple of great reasons why you should check this out for the Star Wars fan in your family.

First off, you can't beat the price tag of the Kindle (or Nook) version of this 'coffee table' book. If ordering a 'hard copy' of this book or buying it at Barnes & Noble it would run you around $53 bucks, but the e-Book version is $12.99.

Unlike it's physical version, the e-Book comes with:

  • 28 minutes of behind-the-scenes Video
  • 29 minutes of rare audio interviews with cast and crew
  • New bonus photos that are not available in the printed version of the book

Talk about the most bang for your buck. Each of these books are 'well worth the price of admission.'

To me this is maximizing the potential of what an eBook should be. Interactivity along with the written words. I hope more authors jump on this style of formatted books.

To wet your appetite, here is a video of some bloopers that can be found in 'The Making of Star Wars Enhanced eBook.


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