Oh the holidays are here and not only are people super cheery, but they are spreading that holiday cheer, right?  Umm nope!  Just the opposite.  It seems that once the holidays hit, people lose their manners.

The holidays are suppose to bring out the best in people but it seems that every year the holidays come around and people get super rude!   I don't know if it's the stress of getting everything done, the pressure of making sure everything is perfect, or just the scrooge in people but it is very depressing.

Earlier today I decide to brave the crowd and stop by Toys R Us to knock out some of my Christmas shopping.  First off, the traffic was insane.  People swerving in and out, turning without using their blinkers and others just not paying attention.

Once I got inside the store the crowd was insane.  I had to double check the calendar because it looked like a 'Black Friday' crowd.  People all over the store.  Still I decided to do some shopping.  Not even five minutes into my shopping I was ran into, my basket bumped, and pushed out of the way.  Now I understand that when a store is busy you are going to bump into one another, but at least say excuse me or I'm sorry.  Growing up my mom taught me to say these things.  I received nothing.

I know that it is every parents mission to get their children the best toys at the best price, but come on people.  Use your manners!  It isn't going to kill you to be nice.  It isn't going to make you get the toy any faster if you are rude.

The holidays are suppose to be a cheerful time.  They are suppose to bring friends and family closer together.  It is suppose to be a time to reflect and be thankful for all the things we have been given.  But with all this attitude and rudeness, it makes the holidays down right depressing.  I try not to let it get to me, but enough is enough.

Next time you are out shopping for Christmas just remember what the holidays are about.  Family, Friends, and gratefulness.  Remember your manners and pass that along to the next person.  Lets make the holidays cheery again!

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