Wanted: Local Artist Needed for Airport Mural Project
There are thousands of people who come through the Rick Husband International Airport every year. Imagine how incredible it would be if all those people got to see your artwork?
Beautification and Public Arts Advisory Board members have teamed up with Amarillo Convention and the Visitor Council to give our airport a facelift.
They are putting out a call for an artist (Hopefully one with local roots) to do a 12-by-48 foot mural inside the airport. The mural will be adjacent to the ticketing counters which is one of the most highly trafficked areas in the airport.
There are a few request and stimulations for the mural such as the Amarillo Boots logo must be featured somewhere within the artwork. However, for the most part, the artist will have creative freedom.
This will be a huge honour to the selected artist. For me information call Jacob Breeden at (806) 681-4337 or jbreedenart@gmail.com.
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