So here I am once again sharing a What the Bleep moment with you.

First off, I'm sure you are all familiar with the electric wheelchairs.  Well that is a very important detail to my story.

I was stopped at a light at I-40 an Bell.  There was tons of traffic as there always is at that intersection.  When an elderly man, in an electric wheelchair, began crossing the street.  He did have the right of way.  Well some lady in an SUV was turning, and I don't know if she didn't see him or was in too much of a hurry to really pay attention, well she turned right into him.

It wasn't a serious impact, but she hit him and his arms went up in the air as his wheelchair spun around.  The lady instantly stopped.  But the rather odd moment came when the man reversed his wheelchair and then drove off as if nothing happened.  The lady had a confused, shocked look on her face then she to drove off.

Now at the moment I was freaked out but then afterwards I kinda chuckled because they both drove off!!!  What the Bleep just happened.  Only in Amarillo!

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