Willie Nelson could be doing some time due to another possession of marijuana charge.  The case has already made it to court and the judge has rejected the plea deal of just a $500 fine.  The judge claimed the singer was getting special treatment and decided not to allow the deal to go through.  The intention for the plea was for Willie to be charged with misdemeanor paraphernalia charges.   The judge is pushing for him to be charged with misdemeanor possession charges, which could land him jail time in Texas.

From TMZ:

According to the judge, Nelson should be charged with misdemeanor marijuana possession -- which could put him in jail for a year.

When are they going to just legalize marijuana?  How much money does the state spend locking up pot heads?  If they would just legalize it we could tax it and at least kind of begin to dig our way out of debt.  But noooooo they want to be stubborn and keep it illegal and keep wasting our state budget for people who's crime is eating to many doritos.  How stupid is that?

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