Okay now you can officially said you've heard the stupidest thing ever in the history of stupidity.  TMZ is reporting that a 75 year old woman is suing CBS Lets Make A Deal because she lacks physical motor skills and made an ass of herself at a taping in LA.

The idiots name is Mary Hutchinson and according to the report from TMZ, she was walking through the studio at a taping in 2010 when she placed her hand on a seat for support and it gave in which in turn sent her to the ground, and probably sent the crowd into a laugh riot.

She claims it's because the seat wasn't bolted to the ground properly.  But lets face it, she's most likely a large woman that would collapse a solid titanium chair.

She's demanding for $25,000 in her lawsuit and I say reward it to her, only on the terms that she go on a diet and lose some weight.

This of course is just all speculation that she's obese, because even chunky people would've probably caught themselves and made it through the ordeal without suffering injuries.

Lets pretend she isn't fat.  Well then this would just be another case of a sue happy individual.  A lazy person that's looking for any reason they can to sue someone so that they can sit on their butts all day long watching re-runs on TV.

Read the full story and get more here at TMZ.com.

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