Amanda Bynes was pulled over again last night for driving without her headlights on.  Despite the fact she was driving without headlights, and driving with a suspended license for DUI and hitting a police car, the cops gave her a warning, and she drove off, again, without a license.  Did I use enough commas, in that, sentence, for, you?  Let me make it clear...SHE DIDN'T GET IN TROUBLE AND SHE TOTALLY SHOULD HAVE!

The LAPD arrested some guy for being on Miley Cyrus' lawn with a pair of scissors, but they don't even give Amanda a slap on the wrist?  They don't take Lindsay Lohan to jail for numerous crimes either, so what exactly do they do?  Harass homeless people and take bribes from celebrities?  I'm just speculating I'm not saying they do, although I certainly think it!

I hate to say bad things about police on September 11th, but this is just uncalled for.  The LAPD needs to get their priorities straight because this is making my brain ring itself out dry!


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