Lately there has been an outbreak of vandalism in the Amarillo area, from Confederate statues to personal property.  The United Daughters of the Confederacy statue in Amarillo’s Ellwood Park was recently vandalized. It was discovered Wednesday afternoon that the statue had been defaced. The phrase “I can't breathe” was written on the statue with the Confederacy term also being crossed out. Now vandals are targeting cars.

Amarillo Police are investigating several reports of vehicles being vandalized in the downtown area Thursday. According to an Amarillo Police Department news release, detectives are asking businesses between SW 4th and 11th and from Taylor to Van Buren for any surveillance footage from 12 to 5 a.m. showing the vandalism.

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If any businesses find anything that could help the investigation while reviewing surveillance footage are asked to call the Amarillo Police Department at (806) 378-9418 and speak with the investigator.


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