An Amarillo Coffee Shop is Giving Back in a Big Way This Saturday
This Saturday, a local coffee shop is giving you a chance to help a family in need from Amarillo. Cliffside Coffee is giving $1 from every drink sold to Olivia.
Olivia is a very sweet girl who has had to overcome more in her 4 years of life than most of us will face in our entire lifetime. The challenges started before she was even born.
You can get more info by clicking on this link.
Olivia was born with Down's Syndrome. After she was born, she spent 51 days in NICU.
When Olivia was 2, she had to have open heart surgery. She has had to have eye surgeries. She's even been diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
That's a lot for a little girl to go through all before she's old enough to enroll in school. I can't imagine the heartbreak and the sleepless nights the family has had to endure.
As of right now, Olivia is getting chemotherapy once a week, and gets sedated for spinal taps weekly. All of this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the challenges Olivia has faced at just 4 years of age.
There is a treatment plan in place that will last for the next two and a half years. The hope is that the cancer will be completely gone, and it will stay gone.
As we all know, medical treatment for anything is expensive. On top of everything else, there will be the stress of paying for the treatments and everything else that will be needed.
That's why Cliffside Coffee is helping out. If you happen to be out on Saturday and need to get coffee, think about stopping by Cliffside to help out Olivia.
You can get more info by clicking on this link.