Best Places To Go See Christmas Lights In Amarillo 2013 [MAP]
The weather has certainly said that Christmas is on it's way. And more and more houses are decorating with beautiful decorations and lights. Nothing lights up your face more than seeing a house fully decorated.
Gainsborough Drive
One of the streets that catches my eye every time I drive by is Gainsborough Drive, right of of Coulter Street. The entire block is light up so beautifully.
Washington & 34th
Another neighborhood is Hayden Street, right off of Washington and 34th. They make me smile.
Georgia & Hawthorne
And of course we cannot forget about the house with the dancing lights. The house can be found at 2418 Hawthorne Drive and you can set your radio to a FM station to hear the joyous music to go with it.
Bishop Hills
Bishop Hills opens up for it's Christmas lights show on Friday, December 6th. Lights should be on between the hours of 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM Sun-Thur, then from 6:00 PM - Midnight on Fri-Sat.
Sleepy Hollow
There are some really beautiful houses in this neighborhood that really have some amazing displays. There is a gated portion that always does some great stuff.
The Colonies
One of the "newer" additions in Amarillo, the Colonies has some of the most beautiful houses in the city. They spare no expense in making these homes look amazing during the holidays.
As the days go by, I will be taking pictures of the best decorated houses in town. If you know of a house that I should definitely go by and see, please share the address.
If you want help decorating your house, check out Christmas Decor of Amarillo.
Merry Christmas!