Marc Piscotty, Getty Images
Marc Piscotty, Getty Images

When a friend or family member commits suicide, the effect is enormous, from friends to family, it has a huge impact, as we learn in this call here.  But, as we also learn, the message of this particular call, is there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

A girl calls us to talk about a friend of hers committing suicide, and how it basically tore their group apart, and changed everything in her life.

I hate to sit here and call suicide selfish, because people that commit suicide need help, but you can see it does carry a form of selfishness.  It impacts so many people and can destroy a circle of friends!

Listen to the call below to see how this caller dealt with the death of a friend that committed suicide.

Remember, if you or anyone you know needs help, from bullying to suicide, you can always call 1-800-273-talk!


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