With the current COVID-19 spike in cases throughout Texas and Oklahoma Coffee Memorial Blood center is pleading for convalescent plasma donors to sign up and donate.  Amarillo hospitals and hospitals throughout the panhandles of Texas and Oklahoma are treating COVID-19 patients with donated plasma.


Those who have recovered from the virus or who have a positive antibody test can donate convalescent plasma to help coronavirus patients.

To provide convalescent plasma, donors must meet the criteria below:

Prior diagnosis of COVID-19, documented by a laboratory test

Symptom-free for 14 days prior to donation and test negative for COVID-19 (testing will be provided, if needed)

Be eligible to donate blood symptom -free for 14 days prior to donation

A note about testing:

If you have or can obtain documentation of a positive test, whether a nasal swab or an antibody test you might be eligible to donate convalescent plasma. You can sign up for the donor registry through Bio-Linked.  Once registered, a staff member will contact you to determine if you are eligible to donate.

“We’re excited to play our part in ensuring area patients have access to all treatment options, including convalescent plasma,” said John Armitage, MD, President and CEO of Coffee Memorial. “As the High Plains Region’s exclusive blood supplier, we can quickly collect donor information and work with our local hospital partners to ensure any donor who wants to help a neighbor has that opportunity.”

“In this time of need, we must all unite to fight against this pandemic threat," Armitage said. “At Coffee Memorial Blood Center, we’re proud to continue our role as a leading provider of public health services and cutting-edge care for area patients.”

Coffee Memorial Blood Center is part of the 6th -largest independent blood center in the nation, providing for the 31 counties and 29 medical facilities that make up the High Plains Region. For more information, visit www.thegiftoflife.org.

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