We all know that most commercials on the Disney Channel or Nickelodeon are targeted towards kids.  I can ignore the commercials and the 'oh mommy I want that!"  But these commercials have made my son get creative in asking me for stuff.

Anytime my son is watching cartoons, the TV is filled with commercials targeted towards him.  Pillow pets, an at home ice cream maker, and toys, toys, toys.  He has learned that if he asks me for everything he sees he will get the answer, maybe for Christmas.

Well, he has now stepped up his game.  Yesterday, he came up to me and asked: "Mom when we are in the car does the seat belt sometimes rash you?"  My answer was, 'yeah sometimes. Why?"

"We should get those seat belt pillow pets.  Then we won't have that problem anymore."  Yes, my 5 year old is learning how to manipulate situations!

This isn't the first time he has done this.  The other day I stopped at the convenience store to get us a drink.  He got a slushy.  He asked if I wanted a taste and I said sure.  He then said:

"It's good, right?"

"Yes, son it is."

"Well, if you bought Slushy Magic, we could have them at home all the time."

I can't believe the way these commercials influence my son.  And I really can't believe how my son is wording things to get his way.  He definitely has a talent at making me see the benefit of having all this crap.

What is TV doing to my son?!



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