Over the month of October Kiss Fm listeners had a chance to visit all the haunted houses around town and were asked to vote on our Haunted House Kiss Fm poll on who had the best haunted house. When it comes to Amarillo, we live in a city where it gets very competitive during Halloween season on haunted houses. In some big cities your lucky to have 2 or 3 haunted housed to choose from but not Amarillo. This year there was a hand-full of different haunts you could have checked out. This year with Halloween I really wanted to encourage people to go check out all the haunts and vote at our Kiss Fm poll. I wanted to know by Kiss Fm listener participation ONLY who had the BEST HAUNTED HOUSE for 2012. By votes calculated off of our poll the Kiss listeners voted 6th Street Massacre as the Best Haunted House this year. Congrats to Mike Fisher and the 6th street massacre team! We look forward to the haunt season of 2013. There were more then one Haunted House category this year to vote on. Each winner from each category will receive a certificate of award personally given by Tommy The Hacker. BIG THANKS to all the haunts this year you guys did an AWESOME JOB!!!



Best Maze - Haunted House

6th Street Massacre

Best Special Effects - Haunted House

6th Street Massacre

Best Scariest - Haunted House

6th Street Massacre

Best Creepiest - Haunted House

6th Street Massacre

Best Family Fun - Halloween Hangout

Maxwell's Pumpkin Farm

Best Actors - Haunted House

6th Street Massacre

Best Overall - Haunted House

6th Street Massacre


Thanks to everyone that voted and all the Haunted Houses. We'll see ya next year!

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