Don’t Be This Kind Of Traveler
If you are planning to fly out of town this weekend from Rick Husband Airport here in Amarillo, please do not be one of these types of travelers.
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Stinky Traveler
Ok, your flight leaves super early in the day and you think, I don't have time for a shower. The person sitting next to you for the flight would appreciate if you get up early and take one or at least take one the night before.
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Seat Kicker
Put your feet down!! Nothing is worst than getting kicked when you are trying to relax.
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Maximum Recliners
It's ok to recline your chair to get comfy. Just don't forget there is a person behind you.
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Armrest Hogs
This is a tough one. The armrest is never that big. Do your best to share.
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The Impatient Flyer
I saw this a lot with my recent trip. Everyone is in a hurry to catch the next flight or to just get home. Try to be patient.