Eveline Rivers, Making a Difference since 1979
The Eveline Rivers Christmas Project began forty years ago and served forty-three economically disadvantaged children during that first Christmas and winter season in Amarillo.
The Eveline Rivers Project has grown to provide over 6,300 children and adolescents with Christmas gifts and over 2,300 children with warm coats each year. The Christmas project employs one full time and one part time employee. Other job positions are filled by dedicated board members and volunteers.
Your tax-deductible donation to the Eveline Rivers Christmas Project helps provide warm winter coats, hats, gloves and the joys of the Christmas season to the under privileged children of our surrounding area including Amarillo, Canyon, Bushland, Highland Park, and beyond.
$30.00, Provides one wrapped gift box, which will include 2 reading books, crayons, a coloring book, second semester school supplies, stuffed animal, a new toy, and a cuddle quilt. It will also include deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap and shampoo.
$100.00, Provides warm winter coats,
hats and gloves for 5 children.
$500.00, Provides warm winter coats, hats and gloves for 20 children and 20 wrapped gift boxes. It will also include 2 reading books, crayons, a coloring book, second semester school supplies, stuffed animal, a new toy, and a cuddle quilt. It will also include deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap and shampoo.
To Donate or Volunteer this year please visit The Eveline Rivers Christmas Project here.