Here we are in winter and our local meteorologists are expecting quite a bit of snow starting today and lasting through tomorrow.  It looks as if the total expected snow it 6-10 inches.  When we hear anything over 3 inches, we tend to start calling it a snowpocalypse.   Hopefully it won't be anything like it was 2 years ago.  I know I was trapped in my house for 3 days.  So let's prepare for the snow that is coming.  Here's a great list of how to be prepared for a snowstorm.


Make sure you have a shovel

I actually purchased my first snow shovel this year.  I figured I might need one.  I did, I used it the last snowstorm we had and I had a nice driveway to pull out on.  It's good to have one because you might not know when you will have to dig out of the snow.

Make sure you have water - at least a 3 day supply

Stock up enough to have 1 gallon per person per day.

Make sure you have a stock of non-perishable food - at least a 3 day supply

You never know when you might not have electricity, so make sure you have a good supply of non-perishable food on hand just in case.

Flashlights or Battery Powered Lights

Again you might lose electricity so make sure you have flashlights on hand.  On and in an emergency if you realize you don't have any lights, crayons will burn for awhile.  Check out our burning crayon life hack.

Battery Powered Radio

Have this on hand to keep up to date with the weather and other information during the storm.  No electricity means no power, so keep have your battery powered or hand cranked radio ready.

Medications - 7 day supply

Make sure you have enough of your medicine on hand before the storm.  This is a safety measure to take in case you get caught in your home.


Have these on hand just in case you have to light a fire or candles or your camping stove to cook.

First Aid Kit

You never know when you might find yourself with a small injury.  Just make sure you have this on hand and that it is stocked.

Cell Phones and Chargers

Make sure you have your phone on hand and it is charged up.  If you have backup chargers make sure they are charged and ready in the event you lose electricity.

Warm Clothes and Blankets

Again, you want to be able to keep warm if the electricity goes out, make sure you have enough on hand to keep you and your family warm


Don't forget your pets, make sure they have enough food as well.  Plus make sure they have a place inside your home to stay warm in the storm.

Rock Salt, Sand, or Kitty Litter

Have these on hand to help make clearing your walkways a little easier, plus they come in handy when you get your car stuck.

Stay safe, stay warm and enjoy your snow day!


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