Every time I drive by 58th and Georgia I am amazed how much it has grown. I remember when it was just empty fields all around. If you drive by it now you will see how much it has changed.

There is a Walmart, McDonald's, and a Starbucks that is getting ready to open. There are apartments and it just keeps growing.

When the Joe Taco in Downtown Amarillo closed they let us know that they were building one in this area of 58th and Georgia.

So we have been keeping an eye out on it. The building had finally started to go up. It looked way too big to just be a Joe Taco. There had to be something else going in that area.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

I had heard the rumor that we were getting a breakfast place, too. I heard a few different names of what it was going to be. But I needed some kind of official confirmation first.

What the heck would this place be?


I was in the area recently when I saw the sign for Joe Taco and the fact that it was coming soon.

OK, I knew that.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

But it was the breakfast place that I really I wanted to know about.

But once I got a view of the other side of the Joe Taco sign, I finally got the confirmation that I needed.

That small sign had so much to offer when I saw what it said.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

The words "Coming Soon, OVR EZE".

So, finally, we have a name to put to the new breakfast place. Yes, you can still get breakfast at McDonald's but if you want something different you won't even have to leave the neighborhood.

My guess is it's going to be something comparable to Jimmy's Egg. I haven't been able to really find any information online. I was hoping a menu would be floating around. Oh, but I will keep an eye out.

Here is to watching Amarillo grow. It's fun to watch.

Breakfast Is the Most Important Meal of the Day

Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett


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