The summer months are over. The hot weather is behind us. It is a great time to spend some much-needed time outside. I did that the other day and decided to take a walk around Medi Park.

While I was taking a nice little stroll I noticed something that I needed to find out more about. A story of sorts. Or it soon will be anyway.  I will soon be able to enjoy the nice weather and a nice story. What a great idea.

When I went to find out more about it I discovered that this was the handiwork of Layton Lutz from Amarillo. This was part of his Eagle Scout Project. Now it took a lot to make this dream a reality. Eagle Scout Projects usually do.

It's a really neat addition to an already beautiful park. One that I can't wait to get my granddaughter in a stroller to let her stroll around the park as well to see.  You will be able to find it on the south side of Medi Park. Right now they are only in the early works of the project. The story is not there yet.

Oh, but it will be. That is where the Amarillo Public Library comes in. They are working on the first book. It will be "Big Red Barn" by Margaret Wise Brown.  It will be unveiled soon. The cool thing is that the book will be able to be changed out.

So don't think that once you take the family out for a walk and a read that will be all. No, they will be changing that out. But if you know kids they love re-reading their favorite books and if it involves a trip to the park you know they are in.

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