Shooting Threats For 12/21/12 At Palo Duro & Caprock High Schools In Amarillo
I'm getting calls and messages about shooting threats that are said to be taking place on supposed doomsday, this Friday, December 21st, at both Palo Duro and Caprock High. I've talked to Sgt. Barbee at Amarillo Police Dept/Crime Prevention Unit and he's helped put this all into perspective for us.
First off, there is no information that there is any specific or credible threats of shootings to be taking place!
Sgt. Barbee tells me: "The talk has come from students that have "heard things" and told school liaison officers but we have not been able to track it back to any specific, credible, or direct threat or to any person or source. We believe a lot of it is misinformation being spread over social media. The information I have from officers in the schools directly contradicts any information that any "threats have been issued." If anyone has any reason to think there is a threat to anyone at school, they should contact us immediately so that we can investigate it."
Of course, APD will take any threats with all seriousness, so if you have any information about an individual who's making these threats, contact the Amarillo Police Dept at 806-378-9452