Social Media Sites That All Parents Need To Know About
As a mom, I am so paranoid about everything. I get especially worried anytime my son is on the Internet. I came across an article and realized there are so many social media sites popping up everyday and here are some that all parents need to be aware of.
Being a parent can be super scary. There are so many dangers in this world, but I see more and popping up online. There are so many social media sites with news ones everyday.
I was reading an article about a new website calledYouNow. It may not be new, but it was new to me. This site is basically a livestream site where a person can set up a camera feed and watch you constantly. Users can connect by just using a hashtag, for example #sleepingsoundly.
This means that teens can set up cameras in their room and let people watch them! Totally creepy. And the whole time viewers are commentating. I logged on to check it out and after 10 seconds felt like I was invading someone's privacy.
I watched a young man sitting on his porch. The comments ranged from 'sexy voice' to 'homo.' It was awful.
I have a 7 year old but I am still constantly checking his tablets to see what he is on. I block a lot of sites and apps from him, but that isn't enough. I have been trying to educate myself on all the new social media sites and apps, but it's hard. It's hard because there are always new ones popping up. And a lot of sites that we are familiar with, like Facebook, are lame to these kids. Most kids do not have Facebook and if they do, it's just to distract parents from other apps.
Here are a bunch of sites they use to connect with each other. They connect with KIK, this allows them to text without using a phone number. Snapchat, this is an app that lets users send pictures that are supposed to disappear after 10 seconds. There is an app called Whisper. This lets users tell their secrets 'anonymously.' Others include Yik Yak, Vine, Tumblr, Twitter (and you need to know about subtweeting), Instagram, Oovoo, WhatsApp, Meerkat and sometimes they even get on a dating app called Tinder.
And as I'm typing 12 new apps are probably being created. I know you are probably thinking, 'My child isn't like that.' The problem is that teens often don't understand the issues with internet safety. It is our job to make sure they do. If that means stalking them and constantly checking their phones and tablets, then do it!
It is our job to make sure our kids our safe!