It breaks our heart to see and hear stories like this, but being a parent, I couldn't imagine going through not knowing where my child is, either because they ran away or something even worse.
Lubbock Police are telling us that the Amarillo girl who was called a runaway, but claimed she had been abducted and held captive in Lubbock, fabricated the story.
A very urgent advisory coming at you right now! Amarillo Police need your help locating a possibly endangered runaway in Amarillo! Please share this story on your Facebook and spread it all over so we can help locate the missing runaway!
Local Authorities are wanting your help in finding an Amarillo girl that has been missing since May 29th. Alyssa Marie Pina has been reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Please be on the lookout for Alyssa and lets bring her back home to her concerned mother. Alyssa is 5'1 and 145 pounds with brown hair and eyes.