Wanna Lay Down Some Voodoo On Your Ex? Roach Your Ex With Amarillo Zoo!
Sometimes a breakup can be amicable. Both parties realizing hey, this just isn't working.
Most of the time though, it's not. They have a tendency to be one-sided.
I've been through several breakups like that, and while I never wished actual harm on my ex, I wished there was something I could do that would let them know just how I feel about what they did.
Apparently, I'm not alone. We see the videos of people burning pictures or items give to them by their ex as sort of a "healing" mechanism. Nasty text messages randomly sent to the ex happen quite often as well.
But nothing, and I mean nothing can top what you can do this Valentine's Day.
Roach Your Ex is back at the Amarillo Zoo! What is it you ask?
Well, allow me to explain this glorious thing. The Amarillo Zoo has PLENTY of snakes that need to be fed right? No, you can't feed your ex to the snakes, but you can get close.
First thing you do is choose the animal of your choice to be fed to the snake. It could be anything from a cricket to a mouse to a chicken. Prices range anywhere from $1 to $20 depending on the animal you choose.
Once you've done that, you give the name of your ex to the Amarillo Zoo and they will appropriately name the animal after them.
Make your payment and your part is all complete. So what happens next?
This is where the zoo takes over. When it's feeding time, they'll start shooting a video with your "ex" being fed to the snake. You'll be sent the video once the feeding has been completed. Voila, your ex is gone forever.
It's a fun way to gain some closure on that relationship, and you can sign up for it here.