Would You Rather ‘Amarillo Edition’
When you are in Amarillo which is best for you?
Would you rather have a ballpark or aquarium? This is a great one! We know we are getting a ballpark. But it would be fun to have an aquarium.
Would you rather date someone from Amarillo or someone outside of Amarillo? It be nice date someone close to home. There is a chance you could find the one outside of town.
Would you rather spend the day at Wonderland or The Canyon Aqua Park? Both are a lot of fun. But where would you want to spend a nice summer day at?
Would you rather buy sneakers at The Westgate Mall or Flea Market on Ross Osage? There is a good chance you will find a good deal at both places.
Would you rather go to Baconfest or Beerfest? Both events are awesome! But which do you look forward to the most?
Would rather go to Big Texan or Texas Road House for a steak? Choose wisely! This is a tough call.
Would rather go to Bangkok Tokyo or Rain for Sushi? They both have great sushi!
Would rather go to J's Bar and Grill or La Fiesta Grande for Happy Hour? Both have a great drink specials for after work!
Tell us what you think about these questions.Let's hear some of your 'Would you rather questions'! Leave them in the comment section below.
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