Would You Take A Pay Cut To Still Work From Home In Texas?
With a good number of Texans now working from home, a recent survey by RealBusinessSavings.com showed that the average Texan would take a pay cut of $278 a month to continue working from home. Would you take such a cut in salary as well? Some other states around the country would take a pay cut of nearly $500 to continue working from home.
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The survey of 3,500 American employees evaluated attitudes toward altered working environments, given the current circumstances. Overall, the study found that the average American employee would take a $7,629.91 pay cut in order to continue working from home after lock down.
Personally working from home for me was very counter productive, there were far more distractions at home than there were in the office. I'm going to keep my extra $278 a month and work in the office happily.