Luckily no one was killed this time. But does the city of Amarillo need to look at this and find a way to prevent it from happening again.

Two people were taken to the hospital after a two-vehicle accident at the intersection of 34th and Tradewind. Their injuries were not life threatening.

According to officials, on car failed to yield the right-of-way while turning from Tradewind onto SE 34th. The second vehicle traveling east on 34th crashed into the drivers side of the first car.

That intersection is really tricky for a bunch of reasons. Especially in the morning.

If you are on Tradewind and you are trying to turn left onto 34th heading West, you have to wait forever to cross over to your lane. What makes things harder is that sometimes people will pull up next to you on your right so they can make a right onto 34th to head East. If they have a bigger vehicle then you, they are blocking your view of what's coming from your left. Which makes it very dangerous if you pull out.

Credit: Google Maps
Credit: Google Maps

Luckily there was no deaths from yesterdays accident. But maybe future accidents can be avoided if there was street light installed there. It might also help the flow of traffic that goes through there during morning rush.

What do you think? Should a light be put in that intersection? Tell us in the comment section below.


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