Amarillo Is The Town That Talks To You
Have you ever said to yourself quietly, "please send me a sign"? Well sometimes your request is heard and the answer pops up right in front of you.
No matter what higher power you believe in, we all have done it once or twice. Your back is up against the wall. You have tried everything to fix and take on the obstacles in your way. But nothing is working. So finally you say, "Please give me some direction".
Recently, I have done that. I have a lot on my mind. Stress with life has me saying, "Please Lord tell me where to go or what to do." Then, I see these signs around town.
These type of signs have popped up before. For me, it seemed like perfect timing. It said a lot to me.
Some advice for when you are feeling completely overwhelmed and need a little guidance. Close your eyes and say a little prayer. Then get in your car. The direction you are looking might not be in your home. It might be right in front of you on the streets of Amarillo.