It is a good idea to have a plan whenever you buy or sell online.

A post surfaced on Facebook in a buy, sell, trade group, warning others about meeting up in the app "Let Go." According to Harrison's post, he says that two black men in hoodies allegedly beat him up and robbed him. He continues to say that they took his ID, Social Security Card and $430 dollars in cash. All of these items were in the wallet he says they took from him.

These types of situations can happen at any time to anyone. It is very important to protect yourself at all times. Check out the Facebook post below.

Here are some helpful tips if you are considering buying or selling anything online.

1. Try to make all transactions during the day.

2. Pick a public place to meet the person.

3. When all possible, take a friend with you.

4. Let someone know when you are going and when you should be back.

5. Have your cell phone with you at all times.

Do you have any tips? Have you had a good or bad experience selling or buying online? What online service do you use to buy or sell? Tell us in the comment section below.



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