Is this a new trend among teens on Facebook? I've never heard of it, but many parents reached out to us after seeing this all over Facebook.

Do we all remember the Amanda Todd story and how that ended up? Pictures were shared on the internet by someone she thought she could trust. That person, whom she thought loved her, shared some very personal pictures with the entire world.

She was a victim of a cruel version of cyber-bullying. Amanda Todd chose to take her life afterwards. In this instance, a parent is concerned for other kids and fears the same outcome as Amanda.

These are all screen shots from people here in Amarillo, commenting on a picture that was posted of a girl in the nude. Within minutes of the picture being posted on Facebook, it had hundreds of comments.

Here are multiple screen shots listeners and parents took after seeing these pictures and comments on Facebook :

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Property of Kiss Fm











We all know if you make the choice to send inappropriate pictures to others, those pictures have a very good chance in being seen by the entire world!  Should parents be concerned for the lives of their children?  Here at Kiss Fm all we can do is make people aware of the consequences of what can happen if your a victim of this. If you don't know about the Amanda Todd story check out this video...

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