Got An FBI Rap Sheet? Now You Can Find Out For Sure.
Ok Amarillo, one thing we can seem to agree on here is there seem to be a lot of arrests, right?
From drugs to murder to who knows what, it seems every day is something new and big in the news.
It also never seems to fail that they someone gets popped on local charges, but then all of a sudden there are federal charges that creep in there.
Here's the question, do you think those people knew the FBI was after them along with APD? I'd imagine some do, but I'll bet there's quite a few out there that don't.
Well, now you can be sure that your rap sheet is TRULY clean because you can officially order your very own FBI rap sheet!
When I first heard about it, I was kind of hoping it was a gag sort of thing. You know, where you could make up your own "official" FBI rap sheet and load it with a bunch of fake stuff. Nope, this is the real deal.
So what all do you get in this rap sheet? It's basically anything related to fingerprint submissions. Crimes, charges, naturalization, federal employment, etc.
I was intrigued. I didn't order my own (I'm 99.9% sure mine is clean), but I thought about how great this could be for people wanting to hire a nanny or something. Well bad news, you can only order your own.
Well, that took a little wind out of my sails. However, I'm still kind of intrigued at the idea of having my official rap sheet from the FBI.
If you want to order yours (for a small fee of course), just click here to get the process started!
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