Hereford Resident Auditions For American Idol and Shines Bright
American Idol has been a staple at finding new artists since Kelly Clarkson won the first title 20 years ago.

That's why, it's great to see someone from our area take a shot and try to win a golden ticket to Hollywood.
Donavan Diaz, a Herford resident, competed last night on American Idol. Donavan is 19 years old and he is a very talented young man.
I will tell you that when I heard him introduce himself last night on American Idol and tell the judges that he was from Hereford, Texas I got chills and goose bumps. I mean he's from my hometown and the son of one of the girls I grew up with and graduated with, so this was super exciting to see.
I know there was a crowd all over Hereford and the Texas Panhandle cheering him on last night.
Although Donavan didn't make it through, he did make it to filming and auditioning for the judges and that is a huge deal. It takes some serious bravery to get up in front of iconic celebrities and perform.
If anything, Donavan still has a career in helping our loved ones be laid to rest, but as he said, this isn't the last you'll hear from him. I think Donavan has big things in his future!
So, Donavan thank you for representing Hereford, Texas in style, and by the way, that jacket was amazing!
Amarillo had one of it's natives compete and make it through to the main show many years ago. Lacey Brown, she was 12th place on American Idol season 9.
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