Over the weekend we were out at Hodgetown judging the National Idol contestant's. These were hopefuls that wanted to show off their stuff in front of a large crowd, like opening day, or even the 4th of July.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

Those are both usually sold out games so the stage will be huge. Probably about as huge as one contestant has been in before. In fact when he walked in I recognized him. I thought I knew where from but what he said next cemented that deal.

He said he was just as nervous in front of us four judges as he was in front of Lionel, Luke and Katy. I knew right away I was correct. He was talking about Lionel Richie, Luke Bryan and Katy Perry.

So right away I asked him if he was from Hereford. He smiled. He knew that I knew. He was a hopeful that got to make it onto the show a few weeks ago. His name is Donavan Doaz. If you remember he was just on the show.

I asked him about being on the show. He told me how great everyone was. How they took great care of him. They provided all the food and everything he could possibly need while he was there.

I didn't get to see the show so I asked what songs he performed and he had chosen "He Stopped Loving Her Today", and "New York, New York". He hinted that we may not have seen the last of him on American Idol.

He didn't have any details but he did say that the show has contacted his agent and there is stuff with him coming up. Which is very exciting to know maybe his time on American Idol is not done.

I asked how everyone treated him on the show and he said that they were a bit freaked out with the fact that he had been working at a funeral home. He said that they would make ghost noises and tease him.

It really sounds like he really enjoyed the experience and hopefully we will be seeing Donavan again real soon.

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