Know These Suspects Who Allegedly Vandalized Twenty Vehicles?
If you've ever seen Pulp Fiction, you're familiar with Vincent Vega's thoughts on people who mess with a man's car. If you're not familiar with the quote, let's just say he has a very, very strong dislike for them.
Student Crime Stoppers of Amarillo need your help identifying a pair of suspected vehicle vandals.
Approximately 20 Vehicles Vandalized
Which is the crazy part. It wasn't just one car.
According to the information posted to the Randall County Sheriff's Office social media, the suspects allegedly vandalized around 20 vehicles at a business. It happened on Sep 8.
It happened at 112 W. Cottonwood in Potter Co. according to the post.
If You Know Something, Say Something
The acts of vandalism are the Campus Crime of the Week. If you know anything, you are encouraged to reach out to Student Crime Stoppers of Amarillo.
You can call 806-372-8477. If you prefer, you can submit your tip by using the P3tips app. If you don't have the app, you can download it for free from your app store.
As always, there is an incentive to giving information if you have any. Tips that lead to the identification or the arrests of these two suspects could get you a reward up to $1,000.
You Don't Mess With Another Man's Car
At least that's how Vincent Vega felt about it. He's not wrong though. I've had my car broken into, backed into, and keyed. Vehicles are more than just a luxury item. Most of us have to have one in order to get through our daily life.
For someone to come along and mess with that is beyond infuriating.
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