There's a thin line between prostitution and fundraising.  Some may look at this as pure prostitution, and some may see a broke med student trying to make ends meet.  Either way, if you ask me, sex for money is prostitution.  I don't see any gray area to the subject, no matter how incredibly hot and tasty the subject is.  So let's move on with the discussion of Elizabeth Raine, the medical student auctioning off her virginity.

The med school virgin openly admits that financial gain is the sole purpose of her auctioning off her purist of purity in her naughtiest of no-no.

Skeptics are coming forward, and you can't blame them, after previous Internet "virgins" such as Natalie Dylan and Catrina Migliorini were associated with the same auctions.

However, this virgin has bachelor's degrees in both biology and engineering, and is currently working to complete an MD/PhD program.  As well as looking to hitting multiple degrees and positions with a bachelor that has the cash to afford it.

She's posted pictures of herself in hopes to snuff the doubters and prove she is a real girl.  Well I never doubted she was a real girl, what I doubt is her virginity.  How does she prove she is a real virgin?  Is there a picture she can post to prove that?

Either way, desperate creeps from near and far are bidding for her chastity, with a highest bid of $550,000!  That's over half a million dollars!  I couldn't have auctioned mine off for $5!

My word, I couldn't imagine.  To quote the great Dire Straights: "money for nothing and chicks for free".

I'd love to hear the conversation that takes place after the deed is paid and done!

"Was it good for you?"

"To be honest, I kinda expected it to be better"...

"I knew you weren't a virgin!  I wanna speak with the manager, I demand a refund!"

Elizabeth Raine, if you're serious about this, please take my advice!  Move to Vegas, that's the start.  Keep this information from your future husband!  No matter what, do not tell your future husband that you auctioned off your virginity to some random dude you didn't even know!  Just, sweep it under your rug, or carpet, and act like it never even happened!

Well, now I've officially whored, err I mean heard, it all...

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