Pure Evil From Amarillo
Brittany Holberg was born in Amarillo January 1st 1973. She was a twenty-three-year-old prostitute when she was convicted of murdering 80-year-old A.B. Towery Jr, stabbing him over sixty times in his southwest Amarillo home, and was sentenced to death by 251st state District Judge Patrick Pirtle. Towery had been stabbed with such weapons as a paring knife, a butcher knife, a grapefruit knife and a fork. He also suffered blunt trauma to the head from a hammer, and a foot-long lamp pole had been shoved more than five inches down his throat.
Holberg was working as a topless dancer and was hired by Towery. During the trial, defense attorney Catherine Brown Dodson argued that Towery was wrongly portrayed as an innocent elderly man, and that Holberg acted in self-defense when Towery attacked her. Dodson said A.B. Towery became angry and violent when he found a crack pipe on Holberg. She told the jury that Towery struck Holberg twice in the head with a metal pan while her back was turned, and then threatened her with a knife. Holberg reacted by stabbing him with her own knife, and the fight escalated until Holberg put the lamp post in his mouth to attempt to end the struggle. Holberg believed she would have little legal recourse because of her status as a drug-abusing prostitute and fled to Tennessee. Testimony showed that A.B. Towery, the victim, also had a problem with drugs.
The controversy surrounding the case centered upon the relationship of Brittany and Towery prior to the killing. Brittany argued that Towery was a client who went into a rage when he found drugs on her person. He attacked her and she retaliated in self-defense. Further investigation would reveal otherwise, however, as Brittany would use numerous household items in a brutal assault on the elderly man. She fled the scene only to be caught at a McDonald's after police received a tip from a witness who saw her on “America's Most Wanted.”
In 2003, Holberg was interviewed by Ms. magazine about her life. She had married as a teenager and in 1993 gave birth to a daughter. At the age of 20, Brittany moved back to Amarillo, her hometown, and subsequently fell in with a bad crowd. She became hooked on drugs and became a sex worker to support herself. In a Dallas Morning News account, Brittany Holberg was described as a woman who was exposed to drugs at home when she was 13 or 14 years old, and had married before she completed high school. After the end of her marriage, she became addicted to drugs and confessed to scamming prescription medication from dentists with her aunt. Holberg was caught with drugs and was released from state custody after completion of a substance abuse felony punishment program on September 1, 1996. Holberg had also once been gang raped, severely beaten and cut with a knife, she was hospitalized after the incident.]
In 2015 James Farren, the district attorney of Randall County, stated that due to the legal complications involving the Holberg case and the resulting legal expenses, he estimated the cost was about $400,000, and time expended, he would pursue life imprisonment without parole for future capital murder cases unless exceptional circumstances occur.
With her good looks and well-proportioned body, Brittany has remained in the spotlight as she was featured in a Maxim Magazine article as one of the “hottest women on death row”.
Sadly an Internet list had named her "one of the 10 most attractive Death Row inmates in the United States
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