Reports of Flooding at Austin Middle School In Amarillo, TX
As the rain has begun to subside, we are starting to get a look at the damage all the precipitation it's left in it's wake here in Amarillo, TX. The flooded roads, parks that now look like lakes, and buildings as well.
One of those buildings that has been affected by the flooding could cause some major headaches for Amarillo ISD and hundreds of kids and families in the process.
We received an unconfirmed report of Austin Middle School sustaining extensie flood damage. Back in September 2022, the AISD board approved beginning construction on a shoring project that was intended to shore up the foundation to give the school another 5-10 years of life while they worked on finding a permanent solution for the school.
They may not get that chance thanks to all the rain.
The confidential source indicated that the damages sustained by the middle school entailed a sunken roof and possible official condemnation. The damaged were said to be confined to the basement and auditorium.
That is an awful lot of damage for a building that was already hanging on by a thread.
To glean official insight, we reached out to Amarillo ISD and Holly Shelton stated that there is "no flooding damage has been reported at Austin Middle School."
While the official word of no reported flood damage to the aging middle school stands, this may change in the near future as the banks of Lawrence Lake recede and officials have the manpower to survey the aftermath.