Woman Catches Foul Ball With Beer Then Chugs It [VIDEO]Woman Catches Foul Ball With Beer Then Chugs It [VIDEO]My God, angels really do exist.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
Ryan Shazier Announces Pick for Steelers During NFL Draft [VIDEO]Ryan Shazier Announces Pick for Steelers During NFL Draft [VIDEO]Easily the greatest, most emotional moment of tonight's exciting draft.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
“Flying Veils” Are The Latest Wedding Trend [VIDEO]“Flying Veils” Are The Latest Wedding Trend [VIDEO]Engaged? Day dreaming about your dream wedding? Make sure this is included.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
42,000 Matches Glued Into a Sphere Light on Fire [VIDEO]42,000 Matches Glued Into a Sphere Light on Fire [VIDEO]Here's a random, but completely necessary video you need to see.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
Guy Cracks Whip to AC/DC’s “You Shook Me All Night Long” [VIDEO]Guy Cracks Whip to AC/DC’s “You Shook Me All Night Long” [VIDEO]Man, the internet sure is a wonderful place.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
Man Sets Speed Record For Human Jet Suit [VIDEO]Man Sets Speed Record For Human Jet Suit [VIDEO]This guy is awesome, and there's a good chance he's the real-life Iron Man.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
Legend “Rick Rolls” His Friend’s Wedding [VIDEO]Legend “Rick Rolls” His Friend’s Wedding [VIDEO]If you don't have a friend that would do this, then you don't have a real friend.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
In-Flight Proposal [VIDEO] In-Flight Proposal [VIDEO] A woman got the surprise of a lifetime this week during a flight.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
Awesome Juggler Solves Rubik’s Cube In Under A MinuteAwesome Juggler Solves Rubik’s Cube In Under A MinuteIt's that time of day when a quick break will do you good. Enjoy this 53 second break of David Calvo, master juggler and Rubik's cube solver.Kiss FM StaffKiss FM Staff
Tommy The Hacker Tries Beer Yoga [VIDEO]Tommy The Hacker Tries Beer Yoga [VIDEO]Over the Thanksgiving holiday, a video went viral of a someone's grandpa accepting a challenge of drinking a beer without using his hands. He did it with some amazing yoga and now Tommy The Hacker thinks he can do it just as well.Kiss FM StaffKiss FM Staff
Herd of Elephants Rescue Stuck Elephant Calf in Tender MomentHerd of Elephants Rescue Stuck Elephant Calf in Tender MomentWhat's that saying about how it takes a village?Staff WriterStaff Writer
Go-Kart With Jet Engine Is a Supersonic Thrill RideGo-Kart With Jet Engine Is a Supersonic Thrill RideThis guy felt the need – the need for speed.Antenna StaffAntenna Staff