One of the things I love about Amarillo is just taking my time and driving around. You can not imagine all the cool things you can discover if you just take the time. You might drive by something that you never noticed before. It probably has been there forever but you are just noticing.
Almost 20 years ago, soon as he became a billionaire he just decided to give it all away. Ebay founder Pierre Omidyar and his wife founded the Omidyar Network. 'everyone has the potential to make a difference,The Network' helps people. Rebuilding communitys that are in need. Feeding the hungry, teaching the illiterate, and sheltering battered women.
If you've got about $30,000 to waste, and a troubling desire to relive your childhood, then you may be interested in this eBay auction. Someone is selling the amazing bicycle from the classic 1985 movie 'Pee-wee's Big Adventure.' Maybe now you can restore some childhood nostalgia that may have been tainted by Paul Reubens' adult-theater shenanigans.