Gender Reveal Gone Wrong: Dad Completely Whiffs [VIDEO]Gender Reveal Gone Wrong: Dad Completely Whiffs [VIDEO]At this point, I think the only good gender reveal is one that fails completely.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
Two Dudes Collide While Jumping Over Bonfire [VIDEO]Two Dudes Collide While Jumping Over Bonfire [VIDEO]Was drinking involved? Yes, without question.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
WWE Wrestler Hilariously Falls Under the Ring While Entering the “Greatest Royal Rumble” [VIDEO]WWE Wrestler Hilariously Falls Under the Ring While Entering the “Greatest Royal Rumble” [VIDEO]If this isn't the greatest thing you'll see all day, I'll give you your money back.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
Guy Tries to Record Proposal with Drone, but it Crashed [VIDEO]Guy Tries to Record Proposal with Drone, but it Crashed [VIDEO]This might not be a good sign ahead of a marriage...Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
Is This the Worst Bowling Attempt Ever? [VIDEO]Is This the Worst Bowling Attempt Ever? [VIDEO]WARNING: This will hurt your eyes.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
Collection of Diving Board Fails to Help Get You Through Winter [VIDEO]Collection of Diving Board Fails to Help Get You Through Winter [VIDEO]For those who are unaware, it's freaking cold outside. Watch this video and feel a little warmer.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
Bonehead ‘Wheel of Fortune’ Contestant Gets an ‘F’ in GeographyBonehead ‘Wheel of Fortune’ Contestant Gets an ‘F’ in GeographyAdd another member to the fraternity of dumb Wheel of Fortune contestants.Drew WeisholtzDrew Weisholtz
Barry Bonds’ Creepy Selfie With Willie Mays Will Give You the WilliesBarry Bonds’ Creepy Selfie With Willie Mays Will Give You the WilliesWhat's Barry Bonds been up to since retiring? Well, apparently, he's taken up freaking people out as a way to pass the time.Antenna StaffAntenna Staff
Bull with Horns on Fire Teaches Silly, Silly Man Who’s BossBull with Horns on Fire Teaches Silly, Silly Man Who’s BossWith all due respect to the famed Running of the Bulls, this may be the craziest thing you'll see involving one of the animals.Antenna StaffAntenna Staff
All-Time Genius Can Stick Nerf Darts to His EyesAll-Time Genius Can Stick Nerf Darts to His EyesYou know how people have special skills they put on their resume? This probably doesn't fall into that category.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Woman Learns Painful Lesson After Trying to Sit on Someone Else’s CarWoman Learns Painful Lesson After Trying to Sit on Someone Else’s CarLet this be a video to you rude people who sit on parked cars that don't belong to you. Cars are meant for driving not sitting. Emily SlapeEmily Slape
Is This Texting Stairway Lane Smart or Stupid?Is This Texting Stairway Lane Smart or Stupid?We've all seen them: those annoying people who text and walk and never bother to look up. Could that be a thing of the past, though?Staff WriterStaff Writer