Do you have your TSA Precheck? If you travel a lot or even a couple times a year having this golden ticket is really a great benefit. I got mine a couple years ago when they had a place set up at Rick Husband International Airport.
A Incident broke out between a homeless woman and a TSA at the Honolulu, Airport. Apparently the woman was entering a non-secure zone. The homeless woman did not want to obey the TSA orders and began shoving her around till an under-cover police officer came to the rescue....
We all gripe about having to take our shoes off when we go through airport security, but according to a list of items confiscated this year by the TSA, footwear may be the least of its concerns.
In a video that won’t be making the already unpopular TSA any new friends, a 3-year-old toddler in a wheelchair is seen being searched by a TSA agent at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport.
Yes threats at the LAX come in many forms, so let's not be shocked that when they saw Rihanna walking through, TSA was compelled to stop and search her because she does pose a threat.