Lovers' quarrels can go from 0 to 100 real quick, but it seems like this one started at 100. Ladies, don't do this and guys get ready to cringe.
Things weren't going well for this Chinese couple and the scorned woman decided to take matters into her own hands.
In the midst of the ongoing controversy of GamerGate and the varying instances of harassment, threats and doxxing of women in the gaming industry, a recent study indicates that online harassment is prevalent across both social media and gaming, especially for women.
Check out how "Always" is using this commercial #LikeAGirl in hopes to start a powerful movement to redefine 'like a girl' into a positive affirmation."
It is nothing new for women to store money or other items in their bra. But over the past few weeks of hot summer weather, I began thinking how gross it actually is.
I am a hardcore movie buff. I watch movies all the time. Whether it be on Suddenlink Videos On Demand, Netflix, Redbox, or whatever, I love watching movies.
Now, for those of us who are married, there are some movies that we watch in hopes of getting the wife's 'motor running'...
In yet another case of science benefitting humanity, a group of French researchers have found that wearing a bra actually makes women’s breasts saggier over time. SOLD! No more bras!
Aside from a pre-off-the-rails Mel Gibson being miraculously adept at reading Helen Hunt's lady-brains in ‘What Women Want,’ it’s pretty much a given that no one knows what the opposite gender is thinking, ever.