It seems like this is an ongoing issue. I get it. It gets hot during the summer here in Amarillo. It's been almost ridiculously hot this summer. So that means that we put a lot of extra strain on our electricity usage.
When life gives you lemons you make lemonade. Right? I mean one family did just that figuratively and well literally. Last week there was a big Lemonade Day Expo at the West Texas Enterprise Center.
Winter Storm Uri which hit the State of Texas is still being sorted out and Xcel Energy is looking to re coop some of the costs. Here's how much you might be paying on your next bill
Rolling blackouts are possible in Lubbock, and across the South Plains and Texas Panhandle on Tuesday, due to the Southwest Power Pool having to downgrade to EEA Level 3
It's not too often that you see crews moving a high voltage power line. But starting next week, that is exactly what Xcel Energy plans to do through parts of Amarillo. Right now, the line runs through the Comanche Trail and Arrowhead municipal golf courses on the southeast side of the city...