Take the Time to Enjoy the Little Things Like Stars and Sunsets
Three things we take for granted in life are sunrises, sunsets and stars. I think those are some of the most beautiful things God created (not counting you of course).
We are always so busy in our lives that we don't stop and enjoy the little things. We don't stop to take a minute to enjoy our Texas sunsets, we don't get up 20 minutes early to make time to enjoy that sunrise with a cup of coffee on our patio. We also don't make time to lay on the trampoline and stare at the stars (man, I miss doing that).
Well even though we don't take the time to enjoy those small things in life Palo Duro Canyon State Park does and they want you to stop and enjoy those things even if it is just for a few hours.
PDC wants you to enjoy the little things in life and that's why they are always offering fun events for you and your family to enjoy.
Coming up next Wednesday, August 8th take the time to enjoy the beauty of a Texas sunset in Palo Duro Canyon. The Amarillo Hiking club is hosting a Sunset Hike from 8-10pm. Meet at the Chinaberry Day Use area and make plans to the park entrance by 7:30pm. Dress for the weather and wear good hiking shoes. Bring some water and a flashlight for hiking in the dark.
Or you can enjoy the beautiful stars over PDC on Friday, August 10th at the Star Party. Enjoy star gazing and learn some of the great stories your star gazing guide with share with you. Meet at the Lone Star Interpretive Theater. Bring chairs and blankets, bug spray and refreshments of your choice (no alcohol, it isn't allowed in the park). Make sure you bring a flashlight as well and it includes a red bulb or filter.
If stars aren't your thing then how about hiking under the new moon. Join PDC on Saturday, August 11th, from 9-11pm for an amazing New Moon Hike. You'll get to experience PDC on one of the darkest nights of the month. And if you are lucky you might get to see some of the Perseid meteor shower. Meet at the Mack Dick Pavilion. Make sure you wear good hiking shoes, bring water, bug spray and a flashlight that has a red bulb or a red filter.
All of these above events are free with park entrance fees which are $5 per adult, children 12 & under are free.
Take the time to enjoy the little things in life. Take advantage of the amazing gem in our area, Palo Duro Canyon.
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