How would you act if your teenage daughter got engaged in front of you?

First of all big props to the boy in this video. He is brave as hell or stupid as hell for pulling this stunt. Either way, he live to tell about it.

Savannah Ajas has a lot to still look forward to in her young life. Most likely is not planning a wedding anytime in the next two years.

However she decided to pull a horrible prank on her sweet ol' dad by staging a fake proposal.

With Mom running the camera, the two pretend love birds pulled off the stunt.

It seems Mom was in on the joke. But Savannah's younger siblings were left in the dark to make it more believable.

Dad was speechless through the whole video. Even after he found out it was a joke.

His reaction was pretty good. According to a survey here is how other people take such jokes.

45% Smile and take it in stride

31% Prank the person back

10% get mad

7% Like this guy don't do anything.

5% of people fume about it

2% never talk to the person pulling the prank again.

How would you handle this type of prank? Tell us in the comment section below.


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