Watch as Shaq walks up to a young man working in a jewelery store and hands him his credit card while another man is there to purchase an engagement ring.
Just when you thought Amarillo didn't have it all, a curve ball is thrown your way in the form of a prostitution ring. Well it is the world's "oldest profession" as they say! I've never felt the love of a hooker, and because of that I've never had VD either.
OMG are Heidi Klum and Seal getting a divorce or not? It's like everyday this week something new has came up. First they announced their divorce, then Seal keeps his wedding ring on and sings his soon-to-be ex-wife's praises in an interview. Now, pictures of Heidi Klum still wearing her ring are surfacing! Yeah my brain just gave up too.
Earlier today the internet blew up with searches about Oliver Martinez and Halle Berry and an engagement ring spotted on Halle's finger. Let's make it clear, this is NOT an engagement ring (pictured to the left)! Sources very close to the couple c0nfirm the 2 are not engaged, but are in a strong-committed relationship.
Oh what, professional football players don't make enough money or something? These guys cash in millions of dollars a year! But as they say, the rich get richer, mo money mo problems, so on and so forth. I guess that's why Chicago Bears receiver, Sam Hurd, tried to launch a drug distribution ring in Chicago! That's gangster right there! Some straight up Scarface stuff!
Yesterday when Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez showed up to Los Cabos, she was wearing a diamond ring on her engagement finger! She was also wearing a pink tank top, now that's what caught my interest! However, the shining ring has made pre-teen girls everywhere straight spazz out!