Author’s Lawsuit Claims Ubisoft Ripped Him Off With ‘Assassin’s Creed’
To most people, the concept behind the Assassin’s Creed games seems unique. But the setup, in which corporations jack into ancestral memories to relive the past, sounded a bit too familiar to sci-fi author John L. Beiswenger, who says the franchise ripped off his 2003 novel, ‘Link.’
Beiswenger, who should be happy that Nintendo isn’t suing him for using the name of its Legend of Zelda hero to title his book, wants $1.05 million to settle his claim. A judge could jack the figure up to $5.25 million if he rules that Ubisoft “willfully infringed” on his copyrights.
The author also wants to block further Assassin’s Creed products, including Assassin’s Creed III. So pardon us if we openly root for the judge to at least dismiss that request.
[Via Bannerwitcoff.com, GamesIndustry]
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