Here’s How To Eat Cheap When You’re Broke in Amarillo
We all know the struggle. Having just a few bucks left till payday which is still three or four days away. Taco Bell has a great new item on the menu that will fill you up for cheap.
I was driving around town yesterday thinking what do I want to eat for dinner. Normally I have my son with me so I cook something at home. But he was with his Mom so I only had to worry about feeding myself.
I could have gone home and whipped up something in the kitchen. But I did not feel like waiting for something to cook. I wanted something fast. However I also did not want to spend a lot of money.
Luckily I was on 34th and Washington. This corner seems to be my lucky place. It was there just a month ago I saw a house in the middle of the road.
On that same corner there is a Taco Bell. They have some new items on the menu. They have The Triple Melt Burrito and The Triple Melt Nachos.
Both items on the menu were just one dollar. Which was perfect. I had a bottle of water from work so I did not need to buy a drink. The whole meal cost me just a few bucks. You can't beat that!
They tasted great and quite filling. Take a look at this great little cheap meal.
Know of any other quick meals for cheap? I want to start a list of ideas of places to go to eat cheap till payday. Tell me your favorite go to spot in the comment section below.
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